Hello there!
Uhrggh, I hate it when I skip a couple of days not writing in this blog.
I was busy with my buy and sell business. Yes I have a business and I am selling secondhand cars. :)
I have a lot to tell you dear followers.
I got 15 gift checks worth 100 each.. so, I got to eat at Tempura in Tomas Morato.. :D there's still 5 more left so there will be additional blogs to write too. LOL! I ate sushi! Lots and lots of sushi! Haha! I'll blog about it soon.
Also, I am craving for a good book. I haven't read a book this year. I am sooo craving for that.
Anyway, that will be it for now. :D
Till next blog! :D
Goodluck sa career! :)